Management Systems

Integrated Management systems

We combine the focus of several key management systems, such as quality (ISO 9001/ VDA 6.4), occupational health and safety (OHSAS 18001/ ISO 45001) and the environment (ISO 14001), in a central, comprehensive system. This provides us with a basic structure that allows us to respond to the needs of our clients in the best possible way.

Thanks to the “High Level Structure” (HLS), we are able to unify all the management system standards and generally increase the efficiency of all systems.

In order to be able to satisfy the entire range of requirements and to maintain sufficient flexibility for competitiveness and further technological development, we are always open to the idea of implementing additional systems.

We are constantly optimising and refining our management systems and adapting them to the needs of our customers.

Quality management DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Effective, process-oriented quality management and structured quality assurance throughout the entire production process are indispensable components of our corporate culture.

Our quality management aims to avoid errors and defects in the production or performance process right from the start and to make sure that the customer’s wishes are met in the best possible way.

In particular, this requires that all staff members be systematically informed about the goals of the quality efforts, be trained and be able to achieve the set goals by establishing uniform processes. We are thus able to create a working environment that gives every employee the chance to be both motivated and committed to meeting customer requirements.

VDA 6.4:2017

The comprehensive requirements of the VDA (German Association of the Automotive Industry) for individual and serial manufacturers of machines, systems, tools or measuring and test stands are defined by VDA 6.4. This certification is always in addition to the ISO 9001 certification.

As a manufacturer of automotive production equipment, we strive to satisfy the “automotive requirements” and demonstrate our quality capability through this additional certification.

Occupational Health and Safety Management DIN ISO 45001:2023

We are well aware that our success is largely based on healthy, motivated, high-performing and creative employees, and that we can only ensure this through having a good occupational health and safety policy in place.

With the introduction of an occupational health and safety management system we are able to systematically optimise occupational health and safety beyond the legal requirements.

Our management system is intended to motivate all members of our organisation to actively participate in the systematic implementation of occupational health and safety and thus contribute to continuous prevention and sustainable improvement.

Our management system, like all other systems, is based on the PDCA cycle and is thus constantly being improved and expanded.

We are currently in the process of switching from DIN ISO 45001:2018 to ISO EN DIN 45001. Certification under the new standard is planned for 2021.


Environmentally conscious management is more important now than ever before. Our customers already require an effective and certified environmental management system in many sectors. We also want to commit to sustainability. This is why environmental management in accordance with ISO 14001 has become a central component of our operational environmental protection and has presented our company with the ideal opportunity to provide proof of this.

The responsible use of natural resources, efficient use of energy and raw materials, minimisation of waste and targeted risk prevention in all our processes have all become binding obligations for us.

ISMS-Information Security Management System

Security is important to us!

To ensure the greatest possible protection of your information and data, we have implemented an information security management system (ISMS).

Regulated processes enable us to identify security gaps at an early stage and ward off cyber attacks. Our security standards minimize risks and ensure the protection goals, confidentiality, integrity and availability.



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